Server Setup and Monitoring

We work directly with our customers to meet their specific needs. Let us know what you are looking for and we will find a quality product in your price range.

Monitored Backup with RMM – Remote Management

Allpro Technology can take your backup to the next level. Users with RMM installed have the additional option of having their backup monitored 24/7. If there is an issue with your backup we’ll be right on it. Monitored backups mean that you no longer have to worry about your data being lost, stolen, or destroyed.


Completely Customizable Servers

All of our Servers are fully customizable. You have the ability to custom configure a system to meet your specific needs. Our custom server wholesaler carries every component imaginable from all the major manufacturers. If you don’t know exactly what you need, have an Allpro Technology representative custom configure a system for you. Just let us know what type of work you will be doing with your system and we can configure a system specifically for you. There is no charge for this service.

Server Monitoring

Already have a server? If you do, we can setup scheduled monitoring on your server and keep your server and computers running great. Server monitoring is billed monthly and allows you to focus on what is important. Each month an Allpro Technology representative will remote into the server and performed scheduled maintenance and update scheduling. To schedule server monitoring, please call an Allpro Technology representative today!

3-Year Manufacturer’s Warranty

All of our Servers are manufactured and supported in the U.S. and come with a 3 year manufacturer’s warranty.

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